The Laboratory Beater Type Valley is used to grind pulp under standardized laboratory conditions. Pulp fibers in aqueous suspension move under controlled conditions (speed and pressure) through a stationary counter-knife roller. The laboratory beater is used to produce pulp samples with different degrees of grinding. These can be subsequently formed into lab hand sheets to test physical properties. In this way, it is possible to evaluate the papermaking potential of pulps without requiring extensive experimentation. The laboratory beater type “Valley” is made entirely of stainless steel. With a volume of 23 litres, the container is capable of beating 360 g of pulp. The rolls, with blades, have a diameter of 190 – 194 mm and are 152 mm wide. The bed knife contains seven 3.2 mm thick cast lead blades. The bed knife and bed of the beater are sealed by a rubber plate. A tank cover makes this a very safe design.